Re: Limits of tolerance

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 03:00:36 MDT

I'd just like to say that I've never met Max More and don't know anything
about him other than what I've read on the web and in some magazines, and
his occasional posts to this list. However, I did not for one minute place
any credence in the accusations contained in the post that started this
thread for the simple reasons (1) that the poster has at all times concealed
anything about ver true identity and (2) such dreadfully serious accusations
were casually made without any reference or corroboration whatsoever.

It was clear to me that the poster was a troll. If the poster's identity is
ever discovered let me know Max and I'd be happy to represent you in your
libel and intentional infliction of emotional distress causes of action.


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