Re: Scientology (was: Re: Limits of tolerance)

From: Loree Thomas (
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 23:13:38 MDT

From: <>


So? Read what Neo Nazi groups say about Judaism.

>From the very first question on the "faq":

"People should be free to believe whatever they want, including Scientology.
What I have against CoS is its deceitfulness, its lack of compassion for its
members (especially the hard-working staff), its aggressive hard sell, its
arrogance, its attack on free speech, its litigiousness, its harassment of
its critics, its lack of concern for families,

***** its gross neglect and abuse of children ****, etc.

Hate is a destructive emotion, I strive to be constructive. My opposition to
CoS is based on rational investigation of available information, not
emotions." ?????!

Emphasis mine. Note this is the same thing that has us up in arms when
aimed at one of our own.

Apply the same standards to Scientology critics as you do to anything else
(Say a speech by Jeremy Riftkin).

Once again... first, there is currently no proof that anybody associated
with CoS had anything to do with the attack on Max, and second, by repeating
hearsay (posting urls of obvious hate sites) you are as guilty as any
religious bigots.

And, just to remind you where my loyalties lie... I am an ex member of the
CoS. I have been declared a "suppressive person" by that organization and
according to their accounting methods (any service received while on staff
becomes payable in full if you don't complete your contract) I owe them over
10,000 dollars.

Despite the (false) horror stories promulgated by CoS haters, I have not
been harassed in any way by the CoS.

Lets be rational folks.

Loree Thomas

"Scientology... The new Jews."

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