Re: Limits of tolerance

Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 10:25:16 MDT

Unfortunately, these kinds of protestations and testimonials are not a
useful response. People who are found guilty in court, even those who are
caught in the act often have quite a few people vouching for them. It's
not the kind of thing that acquaintainces would be able to detect. The
only thing this kind of response does is lend weight to the accusation by
making it appear that a defense is worthwhile.

I'm as shocked as anyone, and as disbelieving as any. (I know Keith
somewhat better than I do Max.) If there were anything to these
accusations, they would be brought up in court. In the absence of that,
the best reaction to the accusation is silence. Treat it as if a child
farted in a nice restaurant. Ignore it, or the child will do it again for
the attention.


Chris Hibbert                 protecting privacy in the computer age is            like trying to change a tire on a moving car.                --Colin 

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