Re: $1100 so far Re: Reward for identity? Re: Limits oftolerance

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Aug 20 2000 - 23:55:34 MDT

"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:

> The thing with the perp is that he likely doesn't have two bits to his
> name, so going after him in court would be a waste, though if he truly
> is in school, then ruining his academic career would be nice and
> rewarding. Perhaps the perp is a former student of Max's? Perhaps
> someone who has been rather virulent about getting a bad grade from Max?

Wait, slooooow down Hoss. Recall the original post mentioned Keith
Henson. Why would one of Max's disgruntled former students do that?
Keith scarcely ever posts to extropians, maybe half a dozen times in
the 3 yrs Ive been reading it daily. How would a former student of
Max even know Keith? If Max were the primary target, why wouldnt
the perp have taken a swipe at one of the other prominent extropians? If
one reads the original post, one gets the impression that the primary
target is Keith, and the rest of it is more like a pox on anyone who is
his friend.

On the other hand, we know plenty of people who would have a base
motive to attack Keith Henson in any reprehensible way possible.
We might want to ask Ralph Merkle and the cryonics group if they have
heard from the perp. What think ye? spike

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