Re: Limits of tolerance

From: Michael LaTorra (
Date: Sun Aug 20 2000 - 20:55:39 MDT

I tried to resist, but I just have to put my 2 cents worth in here.

Keith Henson, in the short time I knew him personally back in California,
showed himself to be a fine man with a fine mind. Probably still is,
although I haven't seen him in recent years.

So I did a quick google search and found that the allegations against him
originated on a website for Scientology (an organization that claims it is a
religion while it behaves like a criminal gang). This Scientologist site
claims to be in favor of religious tolerance, while practicing the most
vicious intolerance imaginable.

Now I suppose that my name is on their hit list. Well, if a person is known
by his enemies (as well as by his friends), then I would consider it an
honor to have Scientology mad at me.


Michael LaTorra

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