Re: author identifiability

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Aug 20 2000 - 13:27:11 MDT

Ian Goddard wrote:

> > > I did a search for the senders address
> > > ( and found these posts...

We here have ways a person can access the internet from the
public library without a scrap of personal identification. So
lets go ahead and recognize that the current level of our
society's opacity allows people to post on the internet
without the slightest fear of repercussions.

Let us look at how such a situation could be used as a
political tool or weapon. Suppose someone hated both the
extropians and posthumanists, for instance, and wanted
to see both groups vitiated. This could be accomplished
by getting each to use up their energies and creativity trying
to tear down the other. This would create a most pleasing
and amusing situation to political opponents, would it not?

I can imagine any number of groups that would try to
accomplish something like this by tossing a meme-bomb such
as yesterday's misadventure: fundy christian groups,
scientologists, ultragreen terrorists, etc.

Allow me to add my support to those who have suggested
filtering posts from any anonymous remailer. This would
filter out the meme-bombing while still allowing newbies,
outsiders and non-members to post. I suppose it is another
step towards greater transparency, but of course Ive no
problem with that. {8^D spike

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