The company Alex is looking for: Kronos

From: Max More (
Date: Sun Aug 20 2000 - 12:49:33 MDT

At 10:13 AM 8/20/00, you wrote:
>Perhaps it wasn't Greg Stock, but I could *swear* somebody at Extro4 was
>starting a company that does baseline measurements of hormone levels and then
>attempts to slow down aging by maintaining the customer's hormones at those
>baseline levels as ve ages.

Chris Heward spoke about this idea back at Extro-1 and Extro-2, and it has
recently become the Kronos Group, based in Arizona, but with clinics
planned to open in many cities. The program involves a full day of testing
of numerous physiological functions, and then carefully personalized
recommendations. They do not want to be described as a "life extension"
group, but as involved in "age management". Natasha and I will be going
through the program next month. They will do a follow-up in six months, and
then I think once a year. I'll be happy to report on my experience there in
about a month.

Their web site is:



Max More, or
President, Extropy Institute.
Senior Content Architect, ManyWorlds Consulting

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