Re: Limits of tolerance

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Aug 19 2000 - 23:11:46 MDT

Terry Donaghe wrote:

> Not that Max is Jesus.

I know Max isnt jesus. I am. Or no, wait, Im satan. I get confused. {8^D

> The only negative possibility I see here is if some overambitious legal
> enforcement person decides to investigate Max. That would suck.

Hey, this gives me an idea. We have gone on and oooonnnn about
transparency, have we not? Well here we go, this is where the rubber
meets the road. We have a use now, a job for those who are willing
to have every aspect of their lives open to the brightest light of day.
Meeeeeeee! Im willing! Im happy to let someone, encourage someone
to burn their resources investigating the hell out of every aspect of my

Finally! I recognize a possible use for having a totally G-rated life
{tho not necessarily by choice always... {8^D} I and other
extropian info-nudists can form a smoke-screen for those who
prefer a more private life. Anyone who wants to can hire an
army of private investigators to watch me around the clock.
Id be better than sominex.

I am willing to have opened every medical record, every tax return,
every bank account, every traffic or arrest record {I have 5 speeding
tickets, 4 of which were from overenthusiastic enjoyment of
motorcycles}, every internet post I ever made, anything else anyone
wants to know, honest to god, I volunteer *Everything*.

How can this be used? spike

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