Re: Limits of tolerance

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Sat Aug 19 2000 - 18:17:39 MDT

I understand the need to control the damage, but I must express my personal
outrage at jamiro2002's post.

I have no doubt that he/she/it will be very pleased by the amount of
attention this post has received-- like a vandal taking pleasure in the
results of an act of sabotage.

And to disguise such an inflamatory public accusation as a reasoned
discourse is beyond belief-- absolutely wasted intelligence. Hey... why
don't you use your mind for something good?

I'm quoting Nadia here, because jamiro2002 should read this twice and let it
soak in:

> Shame on you, whoever you are, whatever your beliefs, for making false and
> potentially damaging accusations -- in writing -- tsk tsk, and posting
> in a public forum. I declare to you and to all who read this list: this is
> bad thing you have done.
> Nadia/Queen Muse


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