Re: Limits of tolerance

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Aug 19 2000 - 15:51:17 MDT

> Max More wrote:
> > "Jamiro2002", please reveal your true name so that I may file a lawsuit for
> > slander against you. Such lies pass *my* limit for tolerance.
> Perhaps Jamiro is one of our Scientologist friends. I wonder which of us will
> be the next target of wild accusations, and of what heinous act we will be
> accused of committing. {8-[ spike

Please forgive me for replying to my own post but this has me thinking.
A few months ago I speculated on the use of the internet for taking
pot shots at public figures. We extropians have *plenty* of political
opponents, and so if anything I am surprised such attacks have not
occurred before now.

Allow me to speculate that in the last two or three days before the
U.S. presidential elections this November, both W and algore will
become unrepentent child molesters, as will most of their staff.
{This particular accusation appears to be the worst possible brickbat
with which to slime political opponents, for accusations are easy,
defenses are not.} The news of their improprieties will be widely
disseminated on the internet, perhaps right up into the final hours
before the polls close. I further predict a flurry of accusations of
financial wrongdoing by both candidates, again in such a way that
is impossible to defend in the short time before the elections.

Let me add to the chorus: I have never heard any untoward rumors
regarding either Max or Keith. I know both to be morally upstanding,
the finest of gentlemen. Jamiro's anonymous post is a transparent
attempt at politically motivated slander, which in itself is cowardly
and morally reprehensible, as well as being absurd.

That being said, I urge every extropian to stand fearlessly and
steadfastly in the face of the threat of similar baseless rumors and attack
posts that could victimize any one of us here. The more prominent
ones among us are at an even greater threat than the more obscure.
We have all posted that which is politically unacceptable to someone
out there in this big world. We have placed our opinions into the
public record. Any one of us here could become an infant-raping
old-lady-beater simply for having stated an unpopular opinion.
Do not back down, move forward. spike

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