Re: Extropia NETwork TV

From: Everitt Mickey (
Date: Sat Aug 19 2000 - 03:13:21 MDT

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael S. Lorrey <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2000 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: Extropia NETwork TV

>Actually, Steve, the recent forest fires in the western US are a direct
>consequence of environmentalists anti-logging politics of the last 15
years. I
>was over the 4th of July in the Bitterroot forest, where one of the major
>is located. I have NEVER seen so much dead wood accumulated on the ground,
>nicely dried out, and waiting for lightning to strike. A lack of logging in
>these areas for many years has allowed several generations of trees to die
>accumulate on the ground, while years of fire suppression has prevented
>fires from burning much of this away naturally via cool low level fires. It
>only when a lot of detritus accumulates on the ground that the fires reach
>tops of the trees and become wildfires.

I have no references...but I beleive the NYTimes recently aired a storyabout
some guy in the BLM who was predicting this very thing...for this very
reason.....he was marginalized (they didn't wanna hear it) he


The Clinto-Gore legacy is darkening the sky's in montana?

And the Skys ARE dark...I just came thru there today.....for hundreds of
miles it looks like Los Angeles on a bad smog day....


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