Re: Kosovo War Revisited

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2000 - 23:04:08 MDT

> Technotranscendence wrote: lament on the fact that almost everyone who has
> responded to me on the Kosovo War has been for it. Not one other here has
> spoken against it --

I am against all war, including the US involvement in the Kosovo War. That
one was kinda tricky because the notion was that by intervening, more lives
were saved than were lost. I sure hope that is true, however I would prefer
to see peace achieved by having all countries owning outrageously advanced
defense technologies, that make them too expensive to attack. In the long
run machines are very cheap compared to war. I am interested in seeing
the development of weapons that can *only* be used to defend, but are
useless for attack. Such things exist.

Another reason that war was difficult was that it was an internal conflict.
Even libertarians have a hard time seeing what is the right thing to do there.
Im open to suggestion. spike

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