From: Terry W. Colvin (fortean1@frontiernet.net)
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 22:51:54 MDT

FWded with permission and without comment: [BB]

--- On Mon, 10 Jul 2000 19:14:00 -0000 chris.herald@egyptnews.co.uk wrote:

Dear List Members

Chris Ogilvie-Herald has kindly allowed me space in his respected
news list, EGYPTNEWS, to share with you, what may become one of the
most enlightening discoveries. A key to both the past and the future
understanding of our distant ancestors.

I am a Scottish born researcher and Company Director with an interest
in prehistory. I have applied for a patent on a derivative of the
Celtic cross.

This application was published on the 14th of June 2000 under UK
patent application GB 2 344 654 A

Despite intensive research by The Patent Office prior to publication,
no instrument with its complete attributes has been discovered and
its application was not found to be obvious.

The Celtic cross, which is an ancient and sacred symbol, with which
most people are familiar, appears to be a representation of an
ancient instrument that was used by our ancestors as far back as
Neolithic times.

I believe that it was what the Ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians used
to survey their buildings and navigate the oceans of the world.
Despite the discovery of cocaine in some of the Egyptian Mummies, it
has been argued, in august and academic circles, that it was
impossible for them or the Phoenicians to have crossed the Atlantic
in prehistory, because of their inability to navigate.
Thor Heyderhal scotched the concept that their boats were incapable
with his Ra expedition.

I am about to collapse the final argument, by proving that they could
navigate and had the instrument to do it.

The discovery came about in the winter of 1997 when I was trying to
figure out what the Ancient Egyptians would have used to survey the
great pyramid complex at Giza.

All constructions, even ancient ones, require surveying before
commencement of work.

The incredible pyramid of Cheops and the Giza complex, which seems to
embody the mathematical value of PI, would have to be accurately
surveyed, as would all similar constructions, including stone circles
such as Stonehenge, Avebury and Callanish in Scotland. Callanish is
more than 5000 years old and built in the form of a Celtic cross.
Proof that this knowledge predates the Egyptian Pyramids.

Through intensive and exhaustive experimentation, a belief in the
intelligence of our ancestors and a refusal to believe in little
green men as the designers, I discovered that the only appropriate
instrument that could have been used by the architect, in the place
of a theodolite, was a derivative of the cross, with the addition of
a plumbline. This incredibly simple, yet complex instrument, has the
potential to measure angles and inclinations to an accuracy of 1
minute of arc or 1/60th of a degree, depending on the size of the
instrument used. This is an extraordinary accuracy for what appears
to be only two pieces of wood, a scale and a plumbline. One of the
most interesting but obscure abilities of the Cross is its capability
to take sidereal measurements.

With my experience of navigation as a qualified Yachtmaster, I turned
my experimentation to discover if the ancient mariners could find
latitude and longitude with the cross. The experiments conducted,
confirmed that the ancients could find their position anywhere on the
Earth within 3 nautical miles with a hand held device. This discovery
may help to prove that it was possible for sailors such as the
Phoenicians to have made regular trading contact with the Americas in
pre Columbian times. It also may explain the mysterious navigation
skills of the Polynesians. This discovery also helps support pioneers
of the theory of ancient intercontinental travel such as Thor
Heyderhal with his Kon Tiki and Ra expeditions.

I then went on to discover that this instrument was probably the
basis of geometry, mathematics, ancient astronomy, map making and
time keeping.

That this instrument was used in combination with a detailed
knowledge of astronomy and monthly star positions, ecliptic and
zodiac observations so as to locate the position of any star at any
time over a location on the earth's surface. Hence the saying "as in
heaven so on earth"

Furthermore, those observers were placed at strategic observatories
throughout the known world to keep local time and traditions and to
aid mariners and other travelers.

Those travelers were able to find their longitude over short
distances with the use of sand (hour) glasses in relation to local
time between observatories (stone or wood henges in the north and
pyramids in the lower latitudes) and world time kept at the old 0
degree meridian at Giza.

I also believe that the henges were used to keep time and in fact
were large astrolabes where stone balls were moved around the henge
on a daily basis to represent the positions of the planets in
relation to the sun and zodiac throughout the year.

That Ley (lay) lines, an ancient and modern navigation term, were
used to lay the position line, or course, of one place in relation to
another. This term is misconstrued to have magical or magnetic
properties by modern cultists. It is in fact related to astro
navigation and can be found in modern navigation manuals. The lay
line from the Cape Verde Islands to the Caribbean Antilles, avoiding
the Sargasso Sea is exactly 17 degrees North.

To find this line an instrument that measures the declination of a
star or the sun at azimuth would have to be used. I believe that this
instrument was the Cross with a plumbline.

I also believe that the quadrant, used in the 13th century was an
inferior instrument in that it was incapable of sidereal measurements.

I further believe that the Cross and the methods of its use, is one
of the greatest treasures found by the famous Knights Templar, in
their excavation of Solomon's Temple, during the Crusades.
That this discovery led to a new style of architecture and the
building of the Great Cathedrals in Europe, starting with Chartres in

It may also have led to the greatest untold confidence trick in the
last millennium played on Spain by Christopher Columbus and
eventually leading to the destruction of the Amerindian civilizations.
There is evidence that the Templars, to whom Columbus was associated,
had been voyaging to the Americas for two hundred years before the
official discovery. Using the cross as a navigation instrument. The
Templar Archivist has already argued at Roslyn Chapel in Scotland,
that William St Claire had voyaged to America before Columbus.
The fact that the instrument actually works and can be demonstrated
to fulfil a universal role in many functions, is vindication of my

What is truly amazing, is that no one has discovered this lost
knowledge in modern times.

The message in stone, wood, metals and art has been around for
thousands of years, in full view of the public.

Apart from the publication of the patent, I have been asked to
publish and had accepted an academic 20,000-word paper, with 38
technical illustrations in the November 2000 issue of Fortean
Studies. This article will be of great interest to those studying
Egyptian constructions, but unfortunately can not be revealed until
after publication comes out. In this paper I have outlined the
methods used to tell the time and navigate with the combination of
the cross, pyramids, stone circles and henges.

I have also been asked to appear at the next Fortean Unconvention in
London to speak about my discoveries.

I have accepted that my name be put forward.

I have appeared for 15 minutes in May 1999 on Teidi Television,
following a lecture he gave to a conference on Mayan Culture in
Tenerife. After gifting a working model of the Cross to Don
Ajlehandro. Head Elder of forty-five Elders and spiritual leader of
6,000,000 Maya people. The only person allowed by the authorities to
conduct ancient ceremonies on the Yucatan Pyramids. The last ceremony
held at that time had in attendance every Amerindian Tribal Chief
from Tierra del Feugo to Alaska.

Don Ajlehandro said that it was his people's lost "Staff of Power"
used to design pyramids and lost when the Conquistadors dispossessed
them 500 years ago. He promised to show it to his Elders and place it
for instruction of the young in the Maya Mystery Schools.
A small article has been purchased by Practical Boatowner magazine
and is due for publication showing how the instrument can be easily
used as an emergency navigation backup in case of electronic
navigation system failures.

Apart from being a help to Archaeologists, in piecing together the
unexplained mysteries and purposes of the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico,
Peru, Stonehenge and other ancient constructions, I hope that my
discovery will be an enlightenment to all seekers after the truth.
That this discovery will enlighten all people about our past and
inspire other researchers, helping to further our knowledge and
understand the obscure culture of the ancients.

I hope that I can find further sponsorship and assistance in
providing the instrument to developing countries for a cheap and
efficient method of surveying projects such as construction, road
building and irrigation.

I also hope, that this instrument may be used in the practical
education of the young, so that they may gain a basic and interesting
foundation of this ancient knowledge.
hat they may learn how our ancestors survived and learnt about
astronomy, navigation, construction, mathematics, geometry and time

How they went on to apply this knowledge, which is lost in the mists
of time, to construct the ancient wonders of the world and achieve
the seemingly impossible.

I am presently compiling my research, with the aim of completing my
first book by the spring of 2001.

Crichton E. M. Miller

(Editors note: An image of the patent can be viewed by going to
the "Files" section of the EGYPTNEWS page at Egroups and then
clicking on "Patent1.jpg")

I, Crichton Edward McGregor Miller hereby assert and give notice of
my right under section 77 of the Copyright Designs and Patent Act
1988 to be identified as the Author of the foregoing Article.

Contact: E –mail c-miller@dircon.co.uk

Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < fortean1@frontiernet.net >
     Alternate: < terry_colvin@hotmail.com >
Home Page: < http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/8958/index.html >
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