Re: IP was: My Extropian Manifesto...

From: John Clark (
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 22:25:24 MDT

Michael S. Lorrey <> Wrote:

> John, that comment was a proposal for how countries that support piracy should
> be treated, so don't be fatuous.

Fatuous? China supports piracy, it hasn't been embargoed and never will be.

>In fact, Iraq was electronically embargoed during the Gulf War

Baloney. Millions watched the war on live TV from Baghdad as that city was being
bombed, any time communication with the outside world was cut it was because the
Iraqi government wished it.

> Any program can also have safeguards programmed into it that prevent illegal uses.

How will a program know if a sequence of ones and zeros is copyrighted? Would you
really put the discoverer of the Napster concept in jail when the idea can obviously be
used in many legal ways? Who exactly would NOT be in jail?

>"Impossible" is not a word to an engineer or a programmer.

I'll tell you one thing, a programmer wishing to overcome those safeguards certainly
wouldn't use the word "Impossible".

   John K Clark

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