Re: Space/AI: Making the Case for Robo-Aliens

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 21:47:15 MDT

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> > Please. Not from 1947. If the japanese had that kind of technology in 1947 we
> > either wouldhave known about it at that point, or would have lost the war to
> > them. Alien encounters, so far as we can currently tell, are merely the product
> > of hypnogogic trances induced by chemical or electrical imbalances, as
> > Persinger's research with electric fields shows. If the level of alien
> > abductions are as high as proponents claim, there would be a fleet of at least
> > 1000 such ufo's at a base on earth over the last 40 years, and at least one
> > crash every year. Such a fleet would require a resident population of a minimum
> > of 100,000 aliens to support with C3I, maintenance, and logistics support, and
> > this is also assuming that they don't have the same need for resources that we
> > do, that they do, in fact, have some sort of nanosanta technology. If they don't
> > have this then their logistical problems on increase from there.
> >
> > Most of the alien BS you see is merely disinformation to cover for military R&D,
> That's what I'm trying to elaborate on...that these phenomena, to the
> extent that they are real, are military secret projects.

Hallucinations of 'aliens', i.e. the bug eyed greys, are what is known
in psychology as archetypal characters, much like the figure in Munsch's
_The Scream_, they are part of our subconcious, and are thought by some
to be related to PTSD supressed memories of medical treatments at birth
or in infancy, when one's visual cortex is not fully developed, so
visual memories are rarely clear. Then there is another archetype, known
as the Watcher, which is a part of our psyche (I beleive its the
superego) that 'watches over us' in our dreams, and many people in dream
research report seeing The Watcher frequently.

The tentative identification of the 'alien' archetypes as actual
extraterrestrials by experiencers is only a modern association. In prior
eras they were thought to be demons, or fairies, or elves, or other
mythical eldritch folk. The fact that such experiences can be reproduced
in the laboratory by researchers like Persinger on subjects without any
'real' alien experience indicates that this phenomena is completely in
the mind.

The existence of this phenomena is used by psychologists in the employ
of government agencies to promote disinformation as second level cover
stories for secret projects (first level being official denial). That so
many people have such experiences helps to convince large percentages of
the population to beleive strongly in the reality of 'aliens' and
'abductions' and 'ufos at Area 51', with the rest of the population
convinced that those that do beleive are kooks. What is really happening
at military research bases has little to do with the experiences of
'witnesses', they are merely convenient pawns in the real game of
spy/counterspy. How many KGB agents will get promoted wasting resources
try to spy on UFOs? None.

> BTW is that URL below correct? I couldn't link to it.

The one in the body of the post is good. I don't know about the add-on
that your email service adds.

Mike Lorrey
"In the end more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security. When
Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give
them, when the freedom they wished for was freedom from responsibility,
Athens ceased to be free."  --- Edward Gibbon (1737-1794)
"A person who wants a society that is both safe and free, wants what
has been, and what never will be."  --- Thomas Jefferson
"It's a Republic, if you can keep it..." --- Benjamin Franklin

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