Re: Eli is thinking about getting a new name

From: John M Grigg (
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 15:55:33 MDT

Eli wrote:
>John, no offense, but that is a really lousy idea. It would defeat >the purpose of the entire exercise. And would you stop changing the
>bleeding subject lines?

I was just putting out some food for thought. I was simply a little shocked at the idea of you changing your name. It's a big decision and I wish you luck with it.

I agree with others that an unusual name can have a strength, catchiness and charm that a "mundane" name just won't have. Again, it is your choice. I thought Max, Natasha and John gave good counsel on the matter.

I do feel changing a subject line can be good now and than. So often the subject lines stay the same while the actual topic veers all over the place! lol I realize many people like subject lines to stay the same for the sake of sorting things for their files.

best of luck to you,


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