Re: Reintroduction

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 13:17:21 MDT

Emlyn O'Regan wrote:
> However, I would never change my name to something easier to spell, or
> pronounce, or to anything more common. One of the best assets you can have
> these days, in the massively crammed namespace of the net, is a weird name.

Yes, my mother has often wished she had spelled my name as her swedish great
grandfather's name was spelled: Mikel. My father tells me that when he was in
the Army, he hung out with a lot of italian guys from Boston and New York, and
because he loved italian food so much (and his italian mother was such a good
cook) that the italian guys called him Norm Lorrelli.

However, I can't help but laugh at people who have plainly spelled names but try
to pronounce them oddly. For example, a girlfriend from high school was named
Andrea, no biggie. However she insisted that people pronounce it
'ahhhwn-dree-ah'.... boooring...

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