Re: Soy Safety?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 12:00:42 MDT

Randy Smith wrote:
> >>Cerebral atrophy is related to compromised cerebral circulation, as >>in
> >>TIA.
> Actually, there is a theory on the soy brain atrophy which posits a causal
> link between one of soy's phytoestrogens (genestein (sp?) and adult
> neurogenesis (the recently discovered fact that adult mammals can indeed and
> do, grow new neurons). The genestein may inhibit adult neurogeneis, which is
> why, after many years of soy, you get a smaller brain than you would
> otherwise at that age.
> That's why I won't eat soy.

So its not that the greens have minds so open their brains fell out, but that
they never had much to start with? Reminds me of that Dilbert cartoon where Bob
the dinosaur pulls a hunk of earwax out of his ear and mistakes it for his

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