Re: Reintroduction

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 00:20:52 MDT

"E. Shaun Russell" wrote:

> Eliezer wrote:
> >It seems likely that changing your name at age twenty or so will
> >eventually become a commonly observed custom of the digital age,
> >Singularity permitting.
> I changed my name at sixteen, after a major epiphany\apostasy of sorts;
> unfortunately, I may have changed it too soon, as like Eli, there are a few
> slightly embarassing things I published on or about the net at that age. I
> would change it again, however, I think I am a bit too well known to do so
> without alienating at least some of my audience\readers.

Honestly! Friends, a little embarrassment is *good for you*, it really
is. Helps burn off some of that excess dignity, lets you avoid taking
yourselves too seriously, and... it helps lesser mortals relate to you
as real people. Dont worry about what you posted as teenagers.
I wish I had had the net during my own misspent youth. All my
embarrassing stuff was written during my 30s. {8^D spike

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