Re: Reintroduction

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 20:54:50 MDT

"E. Shaun Russell" wrote:
> On the concept of changing one's name, I have always supported the idea
> whole heartedly. When one is born into the world, it is impossible to have
> the choice of one's name...that responsibility is left to the discretion of
> the parents. However, when you get to a certain age, there is no reason
> not to choose a name that you feel suits you somewhat better.

I've been thinking of switching recently - either to my middle name, or
to something completely new, like "Ben Abard". (Short, easy to spell,
and close to the beginning of the alphabet.)

Partially this is because my current name is so hard to pronounce. But
the other reason is a harsh necessity for all children of the digital

...outrunning the posts you made when you were fourteen.

--    Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

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