Re: Human ID implant to be unveiled soon

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 17:23:39 MDT

BillK wrote:
> "Paul Hughes" wrote
> > Perhaps, but like credit cards, I can see a system evolving where only
> > those with implants will be given many privileges. If you operate
> > strictly with cash, it's nearly impossible now to rent a car, stay in a
> > hotel, or have regular cell phone service. Also, I can see various
> > insurance companies giving discounts to those people willing to
> > be tracked in their automobiles. In other words, privacy will be a
> > pricey commodity.
> Good news! Progressive Insurance, based in Ohio, will now offer 25% to 50%
> discount on car insurance if you fit their patented Autograph device in your
> car.
> See
> This device contains a GPS receiver and a mobile phone. It monitors, and
> records, when, where, and how fast you drive and sends the info back to
> Progressive.
> Progressive will analyze your driving habits and alter your monthly bill
> based on your actual, rather than your statistically possible, risk. They
> estimate that this may save you between 25% and 50% off your premium.
> So, for example, if you have a second car which is driven less, don't drive
> in rush hour, you stay at the speed limit, and you don't park in high risk
> areas, you'll pay less. (And you'll probably live longer by being a better
> behaved driver).
> Before you immediately panic about this surveillance of your behavior,
> remember that your mobile phone is already (or very soon will be) providing
> the authorities with very similar information.
> Now, can this info be requested (subpoenaed) by people who may have an
> interest in your movements?
> Who cares? Zero and Spike - grab your discounts now!

Unfortunately it doesn't have the really important sensors that would
really reduce fees for safe drivers: traffic density sensors and blood
alcohol sensors. Without those two, you don't have much of a chance of
really saving much, because face it: everyone speeds. Some people only
speed when there is no traffic. Some people don't give other drivers
sufficient room and tend to tailgate. Those that speed in traffic and
don't give the old 'one one thousand, two one thousand' distance to
vehicles in front are the one's most likely to be in a collision, second
only to drunk drivers.

Mike Lorrey
"In the end more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security. When
Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give
them, when the freedom they wished for was freedom from responsibility,
Athens ceased to be free."  --- Edward Gibbon (1737-1794)
"A person who wants a society that is both safe and free, wants what
has been, and what never will be."  --- Thomas Jefferson
"It's a Republic, if you can keep it..." --- Benjamin Franklin

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