ITA announcement

From: Colm (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 09:47:33 MDT

[Non-member submission]

Hello all,
James Corbally and myself Colm O Dushlaine have
decided to attempt to establish some sort of
transhumanist forum here in Ireland.It is intended to
deal with transhuman-related themes and futuristic
thought in general.
We hope that this will provide a very important arena
for the discussion of future technologies and their
impact or at least potential impact on us.It is about
time something like this arrived in Ireland.We're not
thinking enough,these days,about a future that
-through technology - is arriving faster and faster at
our doorstep.
Anyway,we would appreciate it if any member of this
list knows anyone Irish(or not) and interested (or are
themselves Irish(or not) and interested) in being part
of this
It will take some time to establish what we hope to
call ITA, but we would greatly appreciate any
suggestions,comments and participation.

Kind regards,
Colm O Dushlaine



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