Kosovo War Revisited

From: Technotranscendence (neptune@mars.superlink.net)
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 09:40:35 MDT

The Spring 2000 issue of _International Security_ [24(4)] has two essays on
last year's Kosovo War that might be of interest to Extropians and
transhumanists: "Kosovo and the Great Air Power Debate" by Daniel A. Byman
and Matthew C. Waxman and "The War for Kosovo: Serbia's Political-Military
Strategy" by Barry R. Posen.

Both present excellent analyses of the war and its outcome (to date, that
is). Also, in Posen's article, he cites the "Rambouillet Agreement: Interim
Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo" at

During an exchange on this list with Michael Lorrey, I also cited it, but,
sadly, the above URL was not active at the time. (I'd read the agreement
on-line, but could not find any government web pages with the agreement,
save for those of the Serbian government. The above source is the US State
Department.) Now it's back up. Please read, especially, "Appendix B:
Status of Multi-National Military Implementation Force." This was the
agreement before the war began and some believe that this particular section
was put into the agreement -- along with several others -- to make sure
Serbia (FRY, or whatever you want to call it) would not sign the agreement,
thereby giving NATO, especially the US, a chance to bomb.

Of course, other parts of the agreement might have also pushed Serbia's back
to the wall. It's also interesting to note in what key ways the current
situation differs from that of the original agreement, if one is to judge
the success for any side of the war.

Anyway, read it and draw your own conclusions.


Daniel Ust

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