Re: Bloom's _Global Brain_

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 21:49:36 MDT

> Anyone have opinions? Bloom takes a strong
> position in favor of "group selection".
> James

To the degree "group selection" determines our fate,
our opinions don't matter, do they?

--J. R.

"The horizons toward which we can soar are within us, anxious to break free, to
emerge from our imaginings, then to beckon us forward into fresh realities. We
have a mission to create, for we are evolution incarnate. We are her
self-awareness, her frontal lobes and fingertips. We are second-generation star
stuff come alive. We are parts of something 3.5 billion years old, but pubertal
in cosmic time. We are neurons of this planet's interspecies mind."
--Howard Bloom, _Global Brain_, p. 223

"Something beckons within the reach of each of us
to save heroic genius. Find it, and do it.
For as goes heroic genius, so goes humankind."
--Alligator Grundy, _Analects of Atman_

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