Re: Extropia NETwork TV

Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 17:47:25 MDT

In a message dated 14/08/00 12:36:08 GMT Standard Time,

    I think on first view it is a good idea, but I we may be viewed as
another wacko group preaching the sermon. I hope not. There has been a
greater swing towards Transhumanist themes on channels such as Discovery and
especially Discover SCI TREK. Max was on a program the other week and the
extropian "society" was mentioned and put accross in good light. (a repeat I
    It would be good to see a program dedicated to us and some of the things
we are doing to progress the human state for the betterment of mankind. Maybe
we could put a program together ourselves, Im sure between us we have the
resources and certainly the talent and enough subject matter to keep the
average Joe interested for an hour.


> There are, I understand, several Christian and other fringe/religious
> channels in the USA ... and some planned for the UK. I have been approached
> by some of the "pagan movement" about setting up a pagan/ new age channel
> (cable, not internet).

oh no, tree hugger mother earth TV. I can imagine it now.

> I work with a post-production studio cum TV channel with direct cable feed
> here in the UK, it really isn't such an expensive deal to set up such a
> studio these days ...... my own company, Bundex Film & TV already have
> production and editing facilities .......
> It strikes me that the extropia/ trans-/ post-human community might also be
> able to put together some programming ..... essential, I would argue, if we
> are to breach the mainstream. E-lists and small academic conferences don't
> really cut it!
> There are plenty of human-era, primitive legacy-religions putting their
> world view across to a large audience ... surely we should at least be on
> equal competitive footing ... after all, as radical futurists we should be
> using technology to spread the word wherever possible?
> Any thoughts? (I am busy for a couple of days but can mailed

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