Re: Human ID implant to be unveiled soon

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 09:56:35 MDT

While I share some of your sentiments, I fail to see how an implant is going to
succeed when green cards fail. How is an implant going to make sure illegals
don't get jobs, when they get paid under the table most of the time (which means
that $10k they make is actually worth the $16 a legal worker makes, because all
that under the table cash is tax and SS free) with cash. Do you want to do away
with cash? Sorry, not something I'm interested in.

Frankly, in todays economy, having people willing to still do grunt work for
grunt work wages does not bother me at all. I can't find teenage kids anymore to
mow the lawn, they are either always at camp or working at internet jobs (or at
McDonalds for $9.00 an hour plus benies, no kidding). I don't want to be forced
to hire a professional landscaper who has a degree in horticulture and charges
$50 an hour. Thats like paying a heart surgeon to take a look at my sore throat.
If you don't want so many immigrants wherever you are, send some up here to New
Hampshire. There's plenty of work for them, unemployment is below 1% in my area.
Yeah, yeah, mow your own lawn, you say. Frig, I only do non-job work myself if
hiring someone else is more expensive than my own hourly rate.

Randy Smith wrote:
> I have a completely different take on implanted ID's: I hope we get them,
> and soon.> > You see, I see this country (USA) as our property; it's our asset. We all
> derive our living from it. The benefits from our work here accrue to us (in
> large part).> > And even the taxes benefit us, if unevenly.>
> I agree that my view is not the commonly held one, but is is the one that
> IMO defines the situation best. The benefits accrue to this who live and
> work here (although I agree that some do not work, when they could). But
> some come here to "steal" the benefits that accrue to us, the owners. They
> may well come here to work, and there is work here, and often it is good.
> That work is here because of the benefits of investing capital here versus
> somewhere else.
> But that right --the right to our jobs, which are available here because of
> the qualities of this country (our property)--are available only to us, the
> owners. Therefore many "steal" our property by working here, when they did
> not "buy in".
> Oh, yes, they DO bring their brains, but the quality of brains varies
> widely. Some brains are well-educated, others are not, and many of those
> riding the buses these says do not appear to want to be such (educated).
> They have allowed the upper classes in their own countries to rob them
> blind, and they will likely do so here as well.
> Many of these immigrants send much of their money home, to be spent in some
> other country. Who benefits from these immigrants? The wealthy west side of
> Houston certainly does! Now they can get a maid for $10,000/yr instead of
> $16,000. Also, the tabs at the foo-foo westside eateries are not quite so
> high, thanks to the cheap dishwashers.
> I can do without these benefits, myself. Convince me otherwise...
> Until then, I say bring on the ID implants...

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