RE: new stem cell breakthrough

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 08:44:33 MDT

>> I'll be interviewed alongside Dr Trounson tonight on a radio show

>I hope you'll post the high points of the
>interview to the list.

Alas, he got jammed somewhere else by the inevitable
ethics/abortion-is-wicked-you'll-all-burn-in-hell-yum-yum creatures, so
arrived on the program pretty late, I'd blathered on, but wanted to hear
from horse's xenomouth. When he phoned in, he was brisk and generically
interesting but nothing unexpected, and I didn't get a chance to prod with
precise questions. So it goes. I'm not sure that this is such a cosmic
breakthrough, but it's nice to see the ducks popping one two three.

Damien Broderick

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