Re: Extropia NETwork TV

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 07:03:52 MDT

Yeah, Natasha is the person to talk to about video content. Wow, with England,
California, and Seattle, we're gonna have the Extropian Television Network set
up pretty soon. Know what that means? We need more content.

Steve wrote:
> There are, I understand, several Christian and other fringe/religious
> channels in the USA ... and some planned for the UK. I have been approached
> by some of the "pagan movement" about setting up a pagan/ new age channel
> (cable, not internet).
> I work with a post-production studio cum TV channel with direct cable feed
> here in the UK, it really isn't such an expensive deal to set up such a
> studio these days ...... my own company, Bundex Film & TV already have film
> production and editing facilities .......
> It strikes me that the extropia/ trans-/ post-human community might also be
> able to put together some programming ..... essential, I would argue, if we
> are to breach the mainstream. E-lists and small academic conferences don't
> really cut it!
> There are plenty of human-era, primitive legacy-religions putting their
> world view across to a large audience ... surely we should at least be on an
> equal competitive footing ... after all, as radical futurists we should be
> using technology to spread the word wherever possible?
> Any thoughts? (I am busy for a couple of days but can mailed
> Editor
> *******************************

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