Re: Human ID implant to be unveiled soon

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 22:18:57 MDT

John M Grigg wrote:

> Evangelical Christians will consider [ID implants] an early harbinger of the rule of the Antichrist which they believe is coming. I will be interested to see to what extent they protest this
> technology.
> I also wonder how fast it well be till tyrannical gov'ts institute this technology by force to closely monitor dissidents? How much will the world protest this?

The notion is that as transparency increases, people are ever more
motivated to overthrow tyrannical governments. If *every* action
is open to the light of day, then anything that does not
directly harm another person is legal, moral and ethical. True
freedom is not getting away with something that is illegal [but shouldnt be.]
True freedom is not having a bunch of stupid laws.

Mike Lorrey, think over this deal for a minute. What if...
EVERYTHING that anyone does is visible to everyone. In
return, YOU get to make the laws. Design a system that will
work under those circs, including a means of paying the few
cops that will likely still be needed, etc, a prison system for
the dangerous few that still desperately need imprisonment, etc.

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