Transparency (Was Human ID implant to be unveiled soon

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 20:08:43 MDT

>From: Paul Hughes <>
>Subject: Re: Human ID implant to be unveiled soon
>Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 13:36:22 -0700
>Spike Jones wrote:
> > > I like it! Although I admit that the hard sell propaganda sounds a
>wee bit
> > > scary. My "guardian," my "protector?" It will bring good things to
> > > Did these guys ever read _Brave New World_ or _1984_? -Zero
> >
> > Zero, you and I were among those who were advocating a more transparent
> > society. This latest little girl who was kidnapped Thursday and was
> > yesterday could be the poster child for open society. How about it, you
> > parents? Would you be in favor of ID implants for your kids? spike
>The problem here is that such a thing could become compulsory. The problem
>with a
>transparent society are twofold.
>One, there is no guarantee that everyone will be equally transparent. I
>see it as
>perfectly reasonable that only the rich will afford privacy, making it
>instead a
>totalitarian nightmare. If it's not equal across the board then its
>because it gives a select few unequal advantage. The same could be said of
>(ouch! sorry to bring this up again). If disarmament is not omni-lateral,
>those with the guns make the rules - period.
>Secondly, assuming a transparent society becomes completely omni-lateral,
>of everyone being forced to tolerate everyone else's ideosynchrocies, a
>could happen where societies norms are even more oppressive, as everyone is
>to "behave" in the what was the sanctuary of their once private homes.
>loosing that great job you've had for 5 years when your prudish boss finds
>like a little S&M on occasion.
>Until I see proof that transparency fosters a more liberated society, I'm
>buying this crap anymore.
>Paul Hughes

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