Re: Critique of Current GM Technology

From: Ken Clements (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 15:46:03 MDT

altamira wrote:

> One solution I see is to set up research facilities that are not associated
> in any way with any gov't or gov't assisted corporation. As I've mentioned
> before on this list, an "underground" economy with "underground" research
> facilities.

I fear that the attacks of the neoluddites are going to cause this to happen,
and thereby, produce exactly what they are trying to prevent. Research driven
out of the light of day will go on in secret. Secrecy tends to promote abuse,
and widen the gap between those with control of powerful technologies, and those
who have not. Next comes a major accident because proper safeguards were pushed
to the side, causing the technological haves and have nots to each harden their
positions and to try to polarize as much of the population as possible. We live
in interesting times.


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