Re: Responsibility for children

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 14:41:40 MDT

--- "Mark D. Fulwiler" <> wrote:
> Does anyone else here think is unfair and unjust
> that a woman can always get out of the
> responsibility for a child (before birth by
> aborting it and after birth by putting it up for
> adoption), while a man can literally be held
> responsible for hundreds of thousands in expenses
> just because he was careless enough not to use a
> rubber, or because a woman's birth control method
> did not work or because he was lied to? ("Yes
> honey, I'm on the pill.") Fair is fair. If women
> legally don't have to support their kids, men
> shouldn't have to either.
> I'm gay, but if I were a heterosexual man the
> prospect of having sex with any woman would
> greatly concern me for these reasons.

See William Farrell's book, "The Myth of Male Power"
for a discussion of this and other alleged inequities.
 Following is part of the review:


"Through numerous short-take paragraphs,
Farrell--armed with hundreds of thoroughly documented
statistics and legal citings--argues that men are
oppressed by several ``glass cellars,'' among them war
(in which it's mainly men who die); suicide (``A
husband whose wife dies is about ten times more likely
to commit suicide than a wife whose husband dies'');
and ``the death professions'' (``The Jobs Related
Almanac...found that twenty-four of the twenty-five
worst jobs were almost-all-male jobs''). He emphasizes
that women live, on average, seven years longer than
men, and that men's health issues, unlike women's, are
basically ignored. He contends that women's net worth
exceeds men's, and that economic power, if measured by
spending rather than by earning, belongs primarily to
women (``Both sexes buy more for women''). Farrell
accuses government of becoming a ``substitute
husband'' through welfare and through discriminating
in favor of women in cases of murder, sexual
harassment, and rape;"


Unfortunately, this book usually precipitates more
dissension than dialogue.

 -- Scott

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