Re: Help John Stossel

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 13:18:10 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 10:25:37 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Franklin Wayne Poley <>
>Subject: Re: Help John Stossel
>On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, J. R. Molloy wrote:
>> Your characterization of the movement against Stossel as "administrative
>> fascism" seems to me entirely appropriate and accurate. I don't expect Congress
>> to investigate this destructive and irresponsible trend anytime soon, because
>> Congress itself operates under identical enforcement of conformity.
>> As for whether they "are being SELECTIVELY enforced to the benefit of some and
>> the detriment of others to add to the injustice which they perpetrate," I'd
>> answer "Yes, definitely."
>Thanks JR. I think very highly of Stossel's journalism as you do. So I try
>to think about the issues which he puts forward. The kind of tyranny which
>he described on the campuses can be stopped but it requires good, sound
>social science which has just about been extinguished by propaganda wars.
>Such a good, sound study would require putting all those "speech and
>conduct codes" of the campuses together for analysis. Then one would do
>surveys to see if favoritism or selectivity is being practiced in their
>enforcement. I think I can make some pretty sound predictions of what the
>results will be. The study I propose would expose the folly of "Totem and
>Taboo In America" as it is practiced by fanatical witch doctors in ivory
>towers. Congress could undertake it for the sake of preserving free speech
>which could be thoroughly destroyed by one generation from now but as you
>say, it almost certainly won't act.
According to a wire service report, John Stossel apologized Friday night on ABC's "20/20" for using inaccurate information in two earlier reports on the safety of organic food. In the reports, aired in Febuary and again July 7th, Stossel said that organic food was no safer than regular food and warned that it could even be dangerous. He reported that an examination of produce conducted for ABC News found that there was no pesticide residue on either conventional samples or organic ones. After critics complained, ABC investigated the report and found that no such test had been done. In other wouds, Stossel lied to us about it. In his apology, he said, "All we have in this business is our credibility - your trust that we get it right. I'll make every effort to see it never happens again."
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