Re: FWD (PVT/Skeptic) Dr. Johnson's website on bigfoot

From: Terry W. Colvin (
Date: Sat Aug 05 2000 - 12:27:06 MDT

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry W. Colvin <>
To: Extropians List <>;
Date: Monday, July 31, 2000 11:29 AM
Subject: FWD (PVT) Dr. Johnson's website on bigfoot

>Dr. Matthew A. Johnson has created a website
> detailing his experiences and reactions regarding his July 2000 Bigfoot
>encounter. Some materials (such as book recommendations) are directly tied
>to his Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) tutoring. Others are
>reflective of his own good insights and belief systems. Dr. Johnson, as a
>novice-witness-chronicler, unknowingly appears to be excluding certain
>materials (e.g. the works of Byrne, Dahinden, Hall, Huyghe, Coleman) only
>because of the early influence of BFRO, but he is an intelligent eyewitness
>and his learning curve is very fast. Watch his site for changes.
>His present links include the following:
>Top 10 Reasons to believe Bigfoot exists!

Three of the "reasons' are exactly the same ("My family smelled it, heard
it, and I saw it on July 1, 2000 at the Oregon Caves National Monument in
southern Oregon."), and the First reason is:

"The Gallop Poll revealed that most Americans believe in God, yet they have
never seen God. (What is so difficult about believing in the existence of a
large mountain ape that you can smell, hear, and see?)"

And a quick browse through the site reveals:

Under "Biblical Parallels":

"Disclaimer: These parallels were put together by myself and a pastor friend
of mine. The Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) is not a Christian
group nor do they endorse these parallels in any manner. I happen to be a
Christian by faith and I have been brainstorming to make sense out of my
recent encounter with Bigfoot. Believe me, Bigfoot does exist. Please
believe me, Jesus does too"


'Nuff said?


Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA)
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