[fort] Ghostwatch DVD

From: Terry W. Colvin (fortean1@frontiernet.net)
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 08:25:59 MDT

I've been asked to make this as well known as possible. Please forward
it to whoever may be interested

Andy C
Editor The R2 Project
< http://www.r2-dvd.org >


We have had a request from a contact in the BBC to canvas readers for
opinions on "Ghostwatch" for DVD. This was a one off show from a few years
ago that was broadcast on Halloween and scared the nation witless. Staring
Michael Parkinson, Sarah Greene, Mike Smith and Craig Charles the play was a
pseudo documentary about a "ghostwatch" at a suburban house in Middlesex
which cut between studio shots of Parkinson and "live shots" from the house.
Although it was well signalled as a drama in the press before hand, many
where taken in by it and believed that it was real, right down to the shock
ending. Stories then circulated in the press for weeks after that the
program was responsible for the "Suicides" of several teenagers after
watching the show. In many wasy this was the BBC's equivalent of the
infamous Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" broadcast.

One of the things that makes this so ripe for a DVD release is that most of
the original material still exists on tape and many of the production team
still lecture to media students on the show. Extra material should be easy
to come by making it a great DVD. Besides, to the best of my knowledge it
has never been re-broadcast and has never been available on VHS before.

If you would like to see this released on DVD then send a message to:


as soon as possible. I know I'd like to see this done with an excellent set
of extras.

Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA)
< fortean1@frontiernet.net >
Home Page: < http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/8958/index.html >
Sites: Fortean Times * Northwest Mysteries * Mystic's Cyberpage *
   TLCB * U.S. Message Text Formatting (USMTF) Program

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