Re: Obsolesence of Intellectual Property

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Thu Aug 03 2000 - 13:05:40 MDT

> Jason Joel Thompson wrote:
> > Your slippery slope argument is is... uh... dumb.
> Thanks for saying so, I think yours is as idiotic as well. Now can we
> get back to being civil? :-)

Okay, okay. (Mr. Poopy Pants.)

No, no really, you're right, let's be civil.

Okay, I snipped a big chunk here where you say that -I'm- on the slippery
slope because the lines are drawn in arbitrary places, etc, etc.

My only response to this is to sort of shrug and say, well, it's

People seem to have a problem with that, but as I've posted earlier, I'm
willing to accept that we need complex rules to facilitate the increasingly
intricacy of our dealings with each other. I'm not excited about the
prospect of getting bogged down in details, but my feathers aren't
especially ruffled at the concept of 'grey areas' of IP.

I agree that the current system is not perfect. I think it's going to need
to change very quickly to keep up. I'd be interested in trying to solve
that problem. But I don't think the solution is simply to abandon IP.

> > Isn't there a nice reasonable attractor state somewhere between
> > dictatorial control over IP" and "absolute elimination of IP?"
> I would hope so, but no one seems to be debating this as bluntly as I am.
> Almost everyone says we must keep IP laws to protect creators, the
economy, etc.
> without seeing the full ramifications of what those IP laws can do when
they are
> abused. I *am* questioning the who kitten caboodle, including the legal
> corporate system as it is now. Lets play this out.

On this thread I'd say that there are way more people arguing -against- IP
than -for.- But maybe I'm just hearing the wolves at the door...

Which reminds me... I was going to start to look for a gracious way to
extricate myself from this debate...

Argh! Damn, I just cut my... uh... fingers... on the... uh sharp corners of
my... uh... keyboard! Just... enough... energy left... to finish...

But lets get are facts straight,
> most artists are prolific creators regardless of the money supply.

Okay, well since you're getting your facts straight, where do you get this
data from?

Sure this is my opinion. but it is shared overwhelming by the
> majority of musicians (including myself) who I know.

Are you a professional musician? Are your friends professional musicians?
I ask because the overwhelming majority of all of the professional artists
that I work with are in favor of IP. Uh... you know, cause they like to get
paid for their work. I'd be interested to hear the point of view of people
who sell their music for a living and are in favor of removing IP.

> You seem to keep missing the point - physical and intellectual property
are not
> the same. One is limited, the other can be replicated at next to no cost.
> Please do not confuse them again.

I'm sorry, I'm very slow.

  Please see my car analogy if you need a
> refresher.

I did, and I'm quite refreshed now, thank you.

Please feel free to wade back over the 40+ some pages I've written on this
subject to the list. If you go back far enough, you'll discover some of my
arguments against making the distinction you make above. IMHO it's -all-
going to be intellectual property eventually... well, most of it, anyway.

> > It appears to me that people who rail against the divide seem remarkably
> > blind to a lot of the benefits unequal distribution of weath confers.
> Please tell that to the other 90% of the world who feel lucky for having
> water and a place to live. Sheesh!

I'm not happy about the living conditions of those 90%. But the question
remains: would conditions on this planet have turned out better if we never
implemented the concept of ownership over things? Again, I think
Communism -is- successful at equalizing things-- it just equalizes everyone
at a lower level.

Well, you say lots of other clever things that need rebuttal, but to be
frank, my heart's not in it.

It's not your fault, but the same things keep getting said over and over
again and it's, uh, kinda getting boring, for everyone I'm sure.

And when it's -not- boring, it makes me sit and type -way- too much.

And I gotta work or else the bad credit card men will come and take my
computer away.


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