Re: GUNS: Brady Law Has Not Affected Homicide Rates

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Aug 02 2000 - 07:07:24 MDT

Joe Dees wrote:
> >Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 00:37:17 -0400
> >From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: GUNS: Brady Law Has Not Affected Homicide Rates
> >Reply-To:
> >
> >Zero Powers wrote:
> >>
> >> Dare I even *think* the "G" word in this list again? Oh well, once again
> >> ignoring my better judgment here goes...
> >>
> >> "The 1994 Brady law, which required handgun sellers to make background
> >> checks and institute waiting periods for buyers, has had little impact on
> >> U.S. homicide and suicide rates, researchers said on Tuesday..."
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Actually, I'm rather impressed that you could demonstrate such
> >objectivity as to post this article here. It proves what gun sellers and
> >gun owners have known: criminals don't buy their guns at gunshops. I do
> >doubt, though, that the anti-gun forces like HCI will let themselves be
> >confused by the facts.
> >
> They DO, however, buy them at places where the Brady checks are not in force, such as gun shows. The only sensible response to this fact is to expand the checks to cover those areas also.

Really Joe? I did not, in fact, see ANYTHING AT ALL in that article that
said any such thing. I suppose I could rely on you to keep the torch of
fabricating the 'facts' going in full force. In fact, since gun show gun
purchases are considered legal gun purchases AND studies show that less
than 3% of gun crimes (outside of suicides, if you call those crimes)
are actually committed with legally purchased guns, then I would have to
conclude that you are once again lying through your teeth. Please come
back when you actually have something truthful to contribute...

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