I detect / EI-DE-TIC

From: jaan.ranniko@smtpgw.aftrs.edu.au
Date: Tue Aug 08 2000 - 18:53:20 MDT

     I'm developing this loose theory and wanted to run it by anyone
     Running roughly parallel to Chomsky's theory on universality of
     language and ending up at St Ignatius de Loyola:
     Given that eidetic imaging has been found much more extensively in
     children and given Chomsky's theory that children are born with some
     kind of potential for language let's suppose:
     Our minds are constantly producing images. Whether we look at them or
     not is a matter of choice.
     How to look at them is a matter of choice and training.
     Certain training and philosophies most definitely open our "inner
     eyes" (massive quote marks - please note) to conscious perception of
     these images. What interests me is the threshold at which these images
     become eidetic (or at what point (subjective) I becomes eidetically
     I don't know about you, but I find that my emotional reactions tend to
     be in response to mental imagery. Is this "natural" or is it just
     something I learnt to do from watching soap opera? In any case I find
     that I react emotionally to mental images, (day)dreams rather than
     formula's and concepts. My excitement at an inspiring concept comes as
     soon as that concept becomes an image, my level of excitement is
     directly linked to the clarity of the image. So the concept becomes
     image by some as yet unclear mental process.
     It seems to me that imaging is a process of emotional sublimation. The
     associated feelings are there but detached, still somehow active
     within the mental image. Sublimated.
     For the sake of simplicity I'll borrow the left brain / right brain
     model. I don't know or much care whether this theory is accurate,
     measurable or has in fact been disproved. Let's postulate that left
     brain means parameter setting, isolating metaphor and lexicon
     juggling. Let's say that right brain means image generation from
     emotional stimulation and pattern recognition. I say pattern RE -
     COGNITION carefully.
     Right brain constantly produces images.
     Left brain constantly "reads" these images, or tries to.
     Left brain being what it is cannot process entire images which the
     right brain deals with exclusively. So the left brain looks for
     particular bytes it can articulate, usually simple comparisons. The
     better the co-operation between left and right brain the more complex
     a thought can be conjured. The left brain is scanning this
     indescribable right brain image when suddenly a comparison model leaps
     out - this is how we get metaphor. It is the bridge between image and
     words, right and left. It's a lot like saying like, it's like, man,
     you know, like wow.
     This would explain two things:
     1. Children experience "eidetic" imaging more frequently simply
     because their lexicon takes up less consciousness or computational
     resources (cheers Anders!) than densely programmed adults. The hard
     wiring of image processing without the software of particular
     language. Even the comparative process impedes eidetic experience
     (terms such as software to describe mental process). This hard wiring
     of image processing may be a peek into animal consciousness.
     2. The popularity of psychedelics. Augmenting image production or
     inhibiting metaphor iconisation starts to look like pretty much the
     same thing. (Now there's a debate)
     Things get interesting for me when looking at where our present (nano
     and AI) technological development seems to be taking us: further into
     the mind. It strikes me as a likely fantasy of coders (to coin Douglas
     Coupland - microserfs) would be to jack into a global neural net and
     depart the body. This fantasy often seems particularly resonant when
     the neural net is a visual experience. "Shockwave" is an exciting
     piece of software, isn't it? The fantasy strikes me as a wish to
     revert to the mental landscape of childhood, to return to a reality
     defined entirely by the flow of images and the play of imagination.
     What I find interesting is that the attempt to actualise this desire
     is enacted via left brain coding facilities augmented by technology.
     So if I'm right and the unconscious motivation of cinema, TV, video
     gaming and (future) neuro surfing is the realisation of an eden
     reclaimed fantasy then two things bear consideration about all this:
     In the 16th Century St Ignatius de Loyola (I do believe) invented the
     term technology to describe language. This was core to his treatise /
     tractate / book "Powers of Imagination". If we accept that imaging is
     our mental connection to emotion then eidetic or on going, self
     supporting visualisations could be considered as glimpses into the
     mirror of our souls (loose definiiton of soul: sum of emotional
     causality. Emotion I find harder to define.) Here's some geek theory:
     "coders" are obsessed with transforming mental experience into
     mathematical code, to be actualised in silicon, visualised on screen.
     NOT the same as saying "coders" are fleeing the mirrors of their
     souls. It's what makes fractal imagery and geek theory in general so
     fascinating. Let the coders out to play! Just bear in mind that there
     are multitudes of humans who access their personal cinemas directly
     and expertly. The mountains are peppered with them. (Upside of
     buddhism #1)
     The images generated by neural net being corporate generated, not
     emotionally generated, thus thwarting the escapist motivation, in
     exactly the same way that noticing the formula of a Hollywood plot
     thwarts todays escapist motivation, only worse. What exists in our
     minds has power because it is us, our full emotional beings
     experienced first hand. Think carefully before allowing McDonalds to
     set up a billboard.
     What interests me me is the (direct) exchange between individuals of
     mental imagery, which by it's very nature would be of primarily
     emotional content. Much as lovers exchange dreams and interpretations
     in the morning. Accelerated and with more freudian slips than you
     could poke a stick at.
     I would become very worried by developments leading towards a one way
     corporate to individual communication. Berlin wall or not,
     corporations are still committees and my demand for three humped
     camels is very low indeed.
     Enough ranting. (psychedelics will be legalised as soon as
     corporations realise they can make money out of them and bring
     pressure to bear on governments via slush funds and the sugar sweet
     sound byte - then we'll have some FUN - a Las Vegas for Psilocybin
     PS: What's the difference between describing one's fascination with an
     object and describing the object itself?

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