Re: NEWS: Interplanetary environmentalism

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Mon Jul 31 2000 - 06:35:56 MDT

>The best way to stop this
>happening, the agency believes, is to crash Galileo
>deliberately into Jupiter.

The article is slanted strange.

Galileo will be out of fuel at the end of 2003. Either send
it out, or send it in. 12 years of life for that old
and crippled spacecraft isn't bad.

There is alot of good data that can be taken at
Io (5R_j) and further in (Gossamer Ring 2R_j), so no reason
why not to send it in.

NASA will make it's final decision on how to end Galileo's
mission (life) in a few months, so it's not firm yet.

Amara Graps               | Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
Interplanetary Dust Group | Saupfercheckweg 1   
+49-6221-516-543          | 69117 Heidelberg, GERMANY *  
      "Never fight an inanimate object." - P. J. O'Rourke

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