RE: The Freedom of Digital Information

From: phil osborn (
Date: Sun Jul 30 2000 - 23:44:30 MDT

>From: "Terry Donaghe" <>
>Subject: RE: The Freedom of Digital Information
>Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 21:15:44 -0700

I just think that most
>entertainers will find it more profitable to move to new forms of
>entertainment - eg. experienced based - rather than add layers upon layers
>of expensive encryption to their art.

See my post on "Re: The Future of Music"
>As far as whether I think most private communications or personal data will
>be encrypted or not public - well, I think that in a truly digital,
>information rich world, the vast reams of existing data may make mining
>individuals' private information very expensive. The information may very
>well be out there, and a very determined individual may be able to find it
>if one tries hard enough, but I doubt that anyone will know 'everything.'
>Terry Donaghe:
Right. The speed of light and the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle set
absolute limits on information density and information processing. You can
trade off processing speed against complexity, or you can reverse the
breakdown of the bicameral brain - as Bruce Sterling does in his novel
"Distraction" - but at a major cost in terms of system integrity (are you
one person or many?), but if everyone else also has similar capabilities,
then what will it gain you? Worst case you could end up like some of the
Asian cultures in which everyone always has to assume that everyone else is
plotting against them - and the suspicion creates the reality. That's why
we create structures and rules that attempt to reflect the underlying values
we want to preserve.
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