Sasha Chislenkno Memorial Fund

From: Simon D. Levy (
Date: Sat Jul 29 2000 - 14:08:37 MDT

Dear friends,

Many of were devastated by the loss of our beloved friend Sasha
Chislenko this past May. I had heard a rumor of a fund being set up in
his name, to help with college tuition for his son Eugene. I recently
contacted Sasha's wife Julia, who said she is not aware of such a fund.
Julia has not sought help with Eugene's tuition, but said she would
welcome any contributions that anyone cares to make.

Eugene is going to Harvard in the fall. As anyone who has met him can
tell you, he is an phenomenally bright and talented young man who is
sure to achieve great things. As anyone who has a child in Harvard can
also tell you, tuition there is very expensive -- currently between $30K
and $35K per year, I understand. Losing your father at age 16 is
terrible enough. Having to struggle to get through college is not
something Eugene and his family need at this point.

I therefore propose to set up a memorial fund in Sasha's name, with the
specific purpose of helping Eugene with college expenses. If Extropy
Institute is able to administer the fun through its (ExI's) non-profit
status, that is fine; otherwise, I will do whatever paperwork is
necessary to get the fund set up, and will administer it myself.

Please let me know, via the Extropians List or by private e-mail to, if you can contribute to this fund, or know
anything about how to set such things up. I would like to have this in
place by the time Eugene starts at Harvard in the fall.

Thank you,
Simon Levy

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