Re: Anti Zeppelin systems

From: John Clark (
Date: Fri Jul 28 2000 - 11:29:15 MDT

Michael S. Lorrey <>

>An EMP, and the residual plasma cloud, would cause excessive induction

The EMP is too far away to effect something as small and tough as a warhead
and if there were large currents in the plasma cloud they'd likely only last a fraction
of a second and so not cause induction by the time the warhead got there.

>> I don't see why, if anything the plasma cloud would be slightly less dense than
>> normal atmospheric conditions because it's slightly warmer.

> Assuming its still in the atmosphere. It would more likely be high in the
> ionosphere or in space, if it is in fact 200 miles downrange at that point.

How could an explosion of a lousy few kilotons disturb the atmosphere to such a
huge extent and for such a long time.

>Even if it were in the atmosphere, then the atmospheric displacement would create a
> wall of turbulence at the boundary of the cloud, which would cause damage to the
> warhead,

You're grasping at straws now. Reentering warheads are only in the atmosphere for a few
seconds, they enter at a very high angle and are designed to withstand enormous g forces
that would flatten a human dead in a instant. And a little turbulence is going to break one?
I don't think so.

>as well as send it off course.

I doubt if it would be deflected a foot, but it doesn't matter because there is no "off course",
wherever it lands it will cause mega-death.

          John K Clark

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