Re: Re e-book pricing

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 11:57:01 MDT

Brian D Williams wrote:
> From: Lee Daniel Crocker <>
> >> The problem with the ebook is that you cant go from ebook files
> >> to microsloth word files. Or is this not correct? spike
> >Most of what publishers are calling "ebooks" these days are in
> >stupid encrypted files with special readers that aren't very "e"
> >at all--they can't even be read in speech browsers or with
> >your visual settings, and they can't be searched, indexed, or
> >linked. Out-of-copyright books are generally available as plain
> >text (and therefore usable), as are a few selected books like
> >Engines of Creation and The Ultimate Resource. King's new book
> >is somewhere in between--no encryption, but it's in pseudo-
> >usable PDF format.
> Napster.

Does King's book come packaged with an Acrobat search index and/or bookmarks? I
would hope it does. If not, it should, as Acrobat is quite capable of handling
both, besides that, it can also have a custom password set to it for each copy.
Moreover, I've been doing some experiments with steganographizing some barcodes
into graphics and background data, which seem to work pretty well with
Acrobat... among other ideas.

Mike Lorrey

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