Re: RELI: My secret is out

Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 18:03:49 MDT

You thoughtfully posted:

For a long time, I have followed a policy of not discussing religious
matters online. This is because my family is Orthodox Jewish - they
believe in the literal truth of the Old Testament - and for many years
it has been necessary for me to conceal from them my real beliefs.
Today I sent them an email informing them that I am not, in fact,

Responding in private because this is a sensitive subject. From a Jack
Mormon(one who has rejected the ideas), I hope this transition goes smoothly
for you. Good luck, be well, and may the wind be always at your back. BTW,
I'm a pretty good, non judgemental listener:)

                                                       Lady Luisa

Where there is number, there is beauty~~

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