FWD (EXT) Re: Instrumented toilet seats

From: Terry W. Colvin (fortean1@frontiernet.net)
Date: Sat Jul 22 2000 - 09:16:12 MDT

Forwarded from the TLCB (see below) list. Terry

In re same, a book few years ago "Running Critical"
about ADM H. Rickover and Electric Boat, there was
a submarine under construction (in 1980) that a 'young'
inspector 'screwed herself' around and found some welds
NOT done in the outer hull. She and the Navy rejected the
work and through the great "Management" of the govt
it seems the Navy was self insured so they (WE) had
to foot the bill for the repairs and then had to 'settle'
with EB for the delays etc as EB was going to sue
the Insurer for their own shoddy work.....It goes on
and on....Anybody wants a Good, Scary read try this
one it is called "RUNNING CRITICAL" by Patrick
Tyler and is probably going to take some doing to
find it. (copyright 1986--ISBN 0-06--15377-6)
It is just another example of how OUR GOVT treats
us "fools and idiots" that do their bidding......
George O'Connell

In my Last concerning book "Running Critical"
it is about General Dynamics of which
"Electric Boat" was a part of General Dynamics
George O'Connell


Hi, There is another side to the story of expensive hammers, toilet seats,
coffee urns stc. At one time congress passed a law mandating that
replacement spares and tools should be purchased from the systems primary
contractor when possible. The wording was such that virtually forced the
procurement people to buy from primary contractor. They knew this and when
a procurement officer would find a chepaer supplier would wave copies of
the law under his nose. I was told this while assigned as a technical
representative to a contracting officer, (trco). The same congress people
who passed the law vilified the services when the complied with it.
Probably explained why their so many closed door hearings. Jim S.


Hey, the government contracting officers can win one sometimes.

I was in Khartoum, with USAID, in '87-'89, when we got a cable from
USAID/Washington saying don't buy ANYTHING made by GE, from light bulbs to
generators to airplane engines. Seems like a Navy contracting officer was
unhappy with GE up at the submarine construction yards and couldn't come to
an agreement with them. So, he suspended them from government contracting,
the effect of which was spread throughout the entire USG, not just the Navy.

Took about a week for GE to come to agreement on the dispute, and get back
to selling light bulbs in such out of the way places as Khartoum.

And, FYI, there's 27 copies of "Running Critical" available via ABE BOOKs
at: < http://www.abebooks.com >.


Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA)
< fortean1@frontiernet.net >
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