Re: No AI for Nano/No Nano for copyloads

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 19:57:04 MDT

"Emlyn (onetel)" wrote:
> Spudboy wrote:
> > In a message dated 7/21/00 6:21:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > << As you may have noticed, the term "singularity" is used many different
> > ways.
> > But it seems you think that there is more than a 90% chance that the
> first
> > uploads would kill you. Is that because you are special, or do you think
> > >90%
> > of everyone would be killed? Do you expect that because that is what you
> > would
> > do if you succeeded in being one of the first?! Think carefully; I may
> > have to
> > start the "Anyone but Emlyn" faction. :-) >>
> > I wonder if Emlyn has been exposed to the MicroSoft Effect, which
> invariantly
> > involves vanilla, software, that somehow never works quite right, but
> later
> > versions do much better?
> >
> I thought the microsoft effect was where a seriously flawed toy operating
> system takes over the world and influences every development in it's &
> related fields for all time to come, because it is first.

Actually it wasn't the first, but the boys with the first thought they
were 'artists' and made it purposely expensive to be able to play with
their toy, so all the kids who they wouldn't let in their sand box went
over to little Billy, who said, "I WANT IT" and so it was done...


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