RE: SOC/BIO: Anti-anti-GM

From: Max More (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 15:50:21 MDT

At 01:01 PM 7/21/00, Natasha wrote:

> Wrote on
>Fri, 21 Jul 2000 14:11:24 EDT
> ------------------
>Advocates of Safe and Nutritious Food Defend Genetic Engineering<
> >CEI, a non-profit, non-partisan public policy group founded
>in 1984, ...<
>It's good to know that there are pro-biotech groups standing
>up to the anti-science activists. Tell me, have you done any
>due diligence on CEI?

I've heard of the Competitive Enterprise Institute for quite a few years.
While I've never become particularly familiar with them, my impression is
that they are consistent supporters of free market policies. If they are
also defending GM, that's another gold star as far as I'm concerned.

They have some free market environmentalist material, such as Earth Report

and Ecology, Liberty & Property: A Free Market Environmental Reader at:

Greg, maybe you want to add these refs to your environment pages?


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