Re: Instrumented toilet seats

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 14:43:09 MDT


I want the government to pay me to make part of the national ballistic
missile defense.

My plan is to put up four or five thousand microsatellites in very plotted
orbits thus to not be space debris that at any time could be aimed at
hostile booster rockets on the way up thus to avoid the issue of
discriminating among multiple reentry warheads.

That plan would cost less and subsidize the development of inexpensive
launch mchinery, perhaps even the National Aerospace Plane.

So, this thread is telling me that to get business from the government
requires a lot of lawyers and contract writers. The rest, of course, would
be subcontracted to real-world engineers.

Well, a shower curtain might be fireproof and a hammer containing
micrometers, but ut is still so that the government has paid thousands of
dollars for a single coffee machine to some green machine purpose.

Of course, we could always encourage the military to subsidize itself with
bake sales, or, as in the case in which the commander of the U.S. military
in Colombia has shown how to do: coke sales. Off topic: the right wing
paramilitary organization sponsored by the government, police, and coke
sales in Colombia is probably guilty of the most human rights infractions in
this hemisphere in the last year.

Here's something to consider: 1/4 of all entire federal budget is military
or military-construction based. That is to say: about 25 cents of each tax
dollar, if anyone knew how many there were, are spent on military or
military construction accounts. Yet, unless one is building things for the
government ala high-speed low target offset tolerance research testbed
rockets and thus being paid in the name of that budget, or is otherwise in
the military, it doesn't do the country any good. The last U.S. limitary
expedition was Serbia where the U.S. was part of the U.N. forces, where
there were enough bombs sitting around requiring budget justification to
drop one on the Chinese embassy. As well, for some time, the U.S. enforced
the "no-fly" zone over Iraq. Still, we have hundreds of thousands of
active-duty troops who will never see combat.

Spike Jones wrote:

> Doooooh! Wow, John Clark is on a roll here... {8-[ {8^D spike
> Wide (NTW) program flight test round-1 (FTR-1) failed on Friday,
> but the service vowed that the program would forge ahead with a
> series of flights and evaluations over the next three years. "We don't
> have any information on what really happened as yet; all we know
> at this point is that third stage did not separate," a Navy spokeswoman
> said yesterday. "There are no implications on the overall program."
> FTR-1 test was the first risk reduction flight of the Raytheon Standard
> Missile-3 (SM-3) third-stage rocket motor and the second flight overall
> in the Aegis LEAP intercept (ALI) test series, according to a Navy
> statement. The SM-3 is in development as the long-range exoatmospheric
> missile to combat theater ballistic missiles, similar to mission of the
> Army's Theater High Altitude Area Defense program, which is built
> by Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin builds the Aegis weapon system
> that controls missile targeting and launch. Also, the company developed
> the vertical launch systems from which the interceptor rockets are to be
> fired. (Defense Daily)

Ross Andrew Finlayson
Finlayson Consulting
Ross at Tiki-Lounge:

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