From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 14:13:00 MDT
Amara Graps wrote:
> From:, Thu, 29 Jun 2000
> >Re Exercise: I don't know why exercising is problematic for many
> >people. It's such a great way to spend time. It is time alone
> >to be with oneself: both in focus (like in a zen space); or
> >to let the mind wander anywhere it wants to (like free falling
> >creatively). It's probably the best one aspect of life extension
> >that we can do for ourselves.
> And don't forget the other benefits of exercise for psychological
> function such as leveling moods, reducing tension, increasing
> subjective feelings of well-being, reducing depression, being
> less vulnerable to fears and panic attacks.
Yeah, old post I just read. Funny, when I was in the best shape of my life (my
first 6 months in the Air Force) is when I had the most problems with anxiety,
paranoia, sleep, etc. though I certainly was not depressed and did not have any
problems socially.
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