Re: The games are all crap; let's make a decent one.

Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 22:10:34 MDT

> >Isn't this basically what Mark Miller's been working on for the last few
> >years with Electric Communities?
> I don't know. A search on 'Electric Communities' turned up more than I could
> wade through.

Mark Miller's current work is on the E programming language, a
cryptographically secure, object oriented, capability based system.
Capabilities are like distributed object pointers with access rights
bundled in. So on one machine you can hold a pointer to an object on
another machine, which pointer gives you the right to make calls to that
object and request certain actions. The whole thing is very well thought
out in terms of the security properties, and they have a Java based
implementation you can download and try out (everything is open source).

It's available at


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